Dear Members,
Tonight, the Elizabeth & Districts Junior Soccer Association (E&DJSA) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) to bring their 2019 season to a close.
Our club was represented by our Chairman, Stuart Carlisle, and E&DJSA Coordinator, David Bament.
One of the agenda items was our proposed change to the E&DJSA ByLaws specifically section 4 (b). Stuart spoke passionately about the need to change this ByLaw as we believe it can take away our members’ choice of which association they play in.
Unfortunately, we were not successful in getting the required number of clubs to vote in favour of the change and as a result our proposal was defeated. Whilst we are disappointed in this outcome, we respect the process that was followed and the decision of the other E&DJSA clubs and the E&DJSA Executive Committee.
This outcome however does not affect our club at this stage, our registrations are very strong with over 160 players registering for E&DJSA in just the past 3 days. We are confident in filling the required teams from U6 to U14 as well as the older junior teams as well.
We ask you, our members, to continue to support our club. If you know of someone wanting to play football (soccer) then please put them in contact with us. The more players and members we have the better our future will be.
More will be spoken on this at our upcoming AGM on 28 November.